My Electricity 5.0 - what does the subsidy for photovoltaics look like?

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My Electricity 5.0 - what does the subsidy for photovoltaics look like?

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My Electricity 5.0 - what will the subsidy for photovoltaics look like?



Photovoltaics is becoming an increasingly popular solution for households, cooperatives, individual farmers and co-owners of single-family residential buildings, allowing them to generate their own electricity and save money in the long term. The government's photovoltaic subsidy program "Mój Prąd" is one of the key elements supporting popularity of photovoltaics and development of this technology in Poland. In this article, we will present what the subsidy for photovoltaics under this program will look like.

Magazyny energii

The end of the fourth edition of the program

The 4th recruitment of the "Mój Prąd" program is a government initiative aimed at supporting micro-installations of photovoltaic panels in Poland. As part of this program, the Ministry of Climate and Environment provides financial support to individuals and small businesses interested in investing in renewable energy sources. In the 4th edition, the program's budget was PLN 900 million, which was a significant increase compared to previous editions.

Until when can applications for subsidies for photovoltaics be submitted?

Applications for co-financing for photovoltaics could be submitted from August 2, 2022 to December 31, 2023. After the extension, the acceptance of applications ended on March 31, 2023. In order to speed up the process and facilitate the submission of the application, it was possible to use the electronic customer service system (GWD - Grant Application Generator). Verification and evaluation of applications was carried out on an ongoing basis, which allowed for quick awarding of subsidies.

Heat pumps and solar collectors

It is worth adding that the 5th edition of the "Mój Prąd" program will start soon. This time, in addition to funding for photovoltaic installation, it also provides for additional funds for heat pumps and collectors. Heat pumps are modern and effective heating systems that allow you to heat buildings while reducing energy costs.

fotowoltaika dofinansowanie

Solar collectors, on the other hand, enable the use of solar energy to heat utility water. The introduction of these solutions in the 5th edition of the program is aimed at further increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and reducing their negative impact on the environment.

Over PLN 50,000 for co-financing for photovoltaics

In the 5th edition of the “Mój Prąd” program, the total amount of subsidy is over PLN 50,000. The amount of the subsidy will depend on the type of installation and the costs of its implementation, it is worth emphasizing that the subsidy is intended for the installation of new devices. In order to In order to obtain funding, an application must be submitted in the GWD system. An important element of this edition will also be a support system for companies involved in the installation and servicing of renewable energy sources installations. In this way, the program will not only contribute to the development of the RES market, but also to the creation of new jobs in this sector.

“My Electricity 5.0” Program: starts this week!

Call for applications My Electricity 5.0 starts soon! Here's what we know so far: the latest version of the My Electricity 5.0 program, according to information obtained from the Energy Consulting Project from the National Fund for Environmental Protection, is to be launched this week. The official launch of the program falls on Earth Day.

fotowoltaika dofinansowanie

The Energy Consulting Project is a joint initiative of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) and Partners from 16 regions of Poland. The activities of the project focus on advisory support for the public sector, housing and enterprises in the field of energy efficiency and RES. On their official Twitter profile, they announced that the My Electricity 5.0 program starts on April 22, 2023, i.e. on Earth Day. Detailed information on the program will be announced in the coming days.

What do we already know?

What do we already know about My Current 5.0? According to the available information, funding under the My Electricity 5.0 program can be up to PLN 58,000. zloty. Height basic level of funding for individual elements is to remain at the same level as in the previous edition of the program. As part of My Electricity 4.0+, you could receive the following amounts:

  • for PV micro-installations with a capacity of 2-10 kW - up to 6,000 PLN (PLN 7,000 with accompanying elements)

  • to an electricity storage facility – up to 16,000 zloty

  • for heat storage facilities – up to 5,000 zloty

  • to the HEMS/EMS system - up to 3,000 zloty

The new edition of the program provides for changes in the co-financing for heat storage, which will also cover heat pumps. Subsidies for heat pumps are to be at the same level as co-financing in the Clean Air program (Voivodship Environmental Protection Fund):

  • air-to-air heat pump – 4.4 thousand zloty

  • ground heat pump - 28.5 thousand zloty

  • air-to-water heat pump – 12.6 thousand zloty

  • air-to-water heat pump with a higher energy class - 19.4 thousand. zloty

instalacji fotowoltaicznej

A novelty is also a subsidy for hot utility water collectors in the amount of PLN 3.5 thousand. zloty. As a result, the maximum amount of investment in all components and a ground source heat pump may be PLN 58,000. PLN: 7 thousand PLN for a photovoltaic micro-installation, PLN 16,000. PLN for energy storage, 3 thousand. PLN for the EMS / HEMS system, PLN 3.5 thousand. PLN for collectors and PLN 28.5 thousand. for a ground source heat pump.

You can count on the payment of the subsidy just a few months after submitting the application.

Income criteria

It is worth noting that the income criteria will not apply in the My Electricity 5.0 program. It is also planned to maintain the same eligibility period as in the previous edition, i.e. from February 1, 2020. The co-financing will only apply to photovoltaic installations settled in the net-billing system. The final amount of the budget and the official rules of the program are not yet known.

My Electricity 5.0 also introduces changes in the possibilities of obtaining subsidies for thermomodernisation. As announced, funds for a heat pump will be available not only in the case of replacing an inefficient fuel source with solid fuel for a heat pump (as in the Clean Air programme), but also, for example, when replacing a gas boiler with a heat pump.

Dofinansowanie fotowoltaiki wniosków o dofinansowanie

The rules of the My Electricity 5.0 program are not yet available. We will keep you updated on any news and announcements related to the program.

The procedure for applying for co-financing for photovoltaics

To get funding for photovoltaics, you should first check the announcements of the next call for proposals. The call for applications usually takes place once a year and may vary depending on the province.

When the time is right, an application for co-financing should be submitted, which can be generated using a special tool, which is the application generator provided by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW). The application for co-financing should include information on the planned photovoltaic installation, such as installation capacity, cost or completion date.

Składanie wniosków o dofinansowanie

It is also worth checking whether your region offers additional regional programs that may increase the funding available. Please note that before submitting an application, it is worth reading the rules and requirements of the program to be sure that we meet all the conditions. In addition, it is worth consulting with experts to learn about optimal technical solutions and favorable sources of financing.

Who can benefit from a subsidy for a photovoltaic installation?

The subsidy for photovoltaics under the "Mój Prąd 5.0" program is aimed primarily at individuals who are owners or co-owners of single-family residential buildings. The program also assumes subsidy for cooperatives that plan renewable energy elements, i.e. photovoltaic installations on multi-family buildings. Moreover, individual farmers can also apply for subsidy if they meet the appropriate conditions.

Co-financing of photovoltaics

Under the program, beneficiaries can obtain funding for the purchase and installation of photovoltaic micro-installations and heat pumps, which will allow the production of electricity from renewable sources. The co-financing may also be used for the purchase and installation of accompanying energy storage facilities, such as electricity storage batteries or heat pumps.

In the case of farmers, the co-financing may also cover wind farms and collectors that will support energy production on the farm. It is worth remembering, however, that each type of beneficiary may have different requirements, so it is worth carefully reading the program regulations and conditions for individual groups of recipients.

Conditions for granting subsidies for photovoltaics

The amount of funding under the “Mój Prąd 5.0” programme depends on many factors, such as the type of beneficiary, the capacity of the installation, the cost of the investment or the use of additional sources of support, such as thermal modernisation tax reliefs.

The program assumes co-financing in the amount of 50% of investment costs, however, the maximum grant amount may vary depending on the program budget. In the case of one-person households, the amount of co-financing may be higher, while in the case of multi-person households - lower.


It is worth noting that the amount of co-financing may vary for different types of installations and depending on whether the investment covers only the installation of a photovoltaic micro-installation, or the purchase and installation of electricity storage facilities or other devices. Therefore, before submitting an application, it is worth carefully analyzing the available support options and consulting with experts.

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Amount of co-financing and maximum amount

The amount of funding in the "Mój Prąd 5.0" program depends on the power of the photovoltaic installation and the type of entity applying for support. The maximum amount of funding for photovoltaic panels also depends on the budget earmarked for the program. If the funds are exhausted, the announcement of the next call for applications may be delayed.


The decision to grant funding under the program is usually made after the end of the call for proposals and evaluation of the submitted documents. In the case of a positive decision, the beneficiaries receive the payment of the subsidy after the investment is completed and the necessary checks are carried out. It is worth remembering that the investment must be completed within a certain period of time from obtaining the decision on co-financing, and its implementation should be reported to the competent authorities.

Before starting the investment, it is also worth checking whether you can take advantage of thermomodernization reliefs or other tax reliefs. If you take advantage of discounts, remember to deduct the incurred costs expenses separately and about the deadlines for submitting reliefs. If you use the thermomodernization relief, you can deduct expenses incurred for the thermal modernization of the building, including the installation of a photovoltaic micro-installation or also an energy store warm.

How to apply for funding?

To apply for funding for photovoltaics in 2023 under the “Mój Prąd 5.0” program, you must:

Prepare an application for funding using the application generator available on the website of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management,

Collect the required documents, such as invoices for the purchase and installation of a photovoltaic micro-installation, contracts with the power grid operator, documents confirming the ownership of real estate,

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Submit the application along with the required documents to the appropriate Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

Before submitting an application, it is worth reading the program regulations and checking if there are any additional regional programs offering support for photovoltaic installations.

Thermomodernisation reliefs and other supporting programmes

In addition to the “Mój Prąd 5.0” program, it is also possible to use the thermal modernization relief, which allows you to deduct the costs incurred for the thermal modernization of a building from your income tax. The thermal modernization relief also applies to investments in photovoltaic installations, wind farms and collectors.


Additionally, paying taxpayers Entrepreneurs conducting business activity in a one-person or multi-person household can also take advantage of tax reliefs, such as a flat tax relief or a relief on registered income, which allow you to deduct the expenses incurred separately.

The conditions for co-financing the "Mój Prąd 5.0" program may vary depending on the type of beneficiary, location or type of installation. One of the basic conditions is that the installation of the photovoltaic micro-installation must be carried out by specialists with qualifications, and the installation must comply with applicable regulations and standards. In addition, in the case of the program, the condition for purchasing a heat storage may be its use only in a single-person household or a multi-person household.

It is also worth remembering that if you receive funding from Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) or other sources, you must comply with the conditions of these programs and the deadlines for the implementation of the investment. Before submitting an application, it is worth reading the program regulations and other sources of support carefully to avoid misunderstandings.

Co-financing for photovoltaics 2023: changes and news

Using the 2023 photovoltaic co-financing brings a number of benefits, both for single-family houses and for farmers or housing cooperatives. Firstly, co-financing can significantly reduce the cost of investment, which translates into a faster return on investment. Secondly, thanks to the co-financing, larger photovoltaic installations can be installed, which will allow for greater production of electricity, which will contribute to lower energy costs.


In addition, the use of RES, such as photovoltaic installations, contributes to reducing the negative impact of enterprises and single-family houses on the environment. By supporting the development of photovoltaics, you can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the share of energy from renewable sources in the overall energy production.


In the next edition of the "Mój Prąd" program, changes are planned to facilitate access to support and increase the number of beneficiaries. Among the novelties in the 2023 photovoltaic subsidy, the following should be mentioned:

Increasing the program budget, which will allow accepting more applications for co-financing,

Spreading information about the program to encourage more people to use the funding,

Introduction of new categories of beneficiaries, such as farmers or household banks,

Increasing the maximum capacity of a photovoltaic installation entitling to co-financing.


The "Mój Prąd 5.0" program is one of the main instruments supporting the development of photovoltaics in Poland, allowing for a significant reduction in the cost of investment in the purchase and installation of a photovoltaic installation. The program is aimed at households, housing cooperatives, individual farmers and co-owners of single-family residential buildings. The 2023 photovoltaic subsidy provides for a number of changes and novelties that are intended to facilitate access to support and increase the number of beneficiaries.

Under the priority programme, investors can obtain co-financing for the purchase and installation of PV installations, as well as for the installation of accompanying energy storage facilities, such as electricity storage facilities or heat pumps. In the case of the “Mój Prąd 5.0” program, the condition for purchasing a heat storage facility is also the purchase and installation of photovoltaic panels.

Applying for funding under the “Mój Prąd 5.0” program is relatively easy, but it is worth checking whether there are any additional regional programs available and whether you can take advantage of thermal modernization reliefs (where you can deduct expenses separately) or other tax reliefs. Knowledge on this subject will allow you to take full advantage of the support offered by various sources and further reduce investment costs.

Remember that before starting the investment, it is worth carefully analyzing the available support options and seeking expert advice in order to fully use the available funds and optimize the investment process in photovoltaics. In the programme, it is also possible to use the services of a domestic bank, which can grant a bank loan to finance the investment.

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