My Current 3.0
The new call for applications for the My Electricity program starts on July 1. 2021. All investors who have incurred qualified benefits after February 1, 2021 may apply for funding.
What is the My Electricity program?
The government program My Electricity is implemented by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW).
It is a nationwide program that aims to promote solutions in the area of Renewable Energy Sources, and more specifically photovoltaic installations. Until now, the program offered a one-time co-financing in the amount of 50% of eligible costs, but a maximum of PLN 5,000.
Who can benefit?
My electricity is dedicated to natural persons who have signed a comprehensive agreement with the Energy Company.
Under the program, you can get a refund of eligible costs incurred for a photovoltaic installer. Installation of the installation can be outsourced to a company like ours, but it is possible to receive funding at the time of installation with your own resources. You will find answers to all your questions here:
The eyes of people who installed the installation before July 1 can apply for funding?
Unfortunately, the creators of the program did not announce the terms of participation in time. This is associated with a transitional period for people assembling the installation.
At the moment, anyone who installs a photovoltaic installation after February 1, 2021 will be able to apply for funding. The second edition of the program ended on December 18, 2020. Unfortunately, it is not known whether investors who installed the installation in the transitional period between December 18 and January 31, 2021 will be able to submit an application. In the announcement of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, you can find information that such persons will be able to participate in the program under special conditions.
How much is the subsidy now?
The current funding is unknown, we are still waiting for an official announcement from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management on this matter.
So far, the co-financing amounted to 50% of eligible costs incurred for the installation, but a maximum of PLN 5,000. This may change with the new program. The announcements of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management show that due to the average decrease in the prices of photovoltaic installations on the market, it will also be possible to reduce the co-financing. At the same time, you can hear that the My Electricity program is to be extended to include subsidies for energy storage and chargers for electric cars.
Current program conditions
Below we briefly explain the most important conditions of the 2nd edition of the My Electricity program. If you have any questions - do not hesitate to contact us!
- The third call for applications for co-financing as part of Moje Prąd will start on July 1, 2021 - it will last as planned until December 20, 2021 with the possibility of extending the program or until the funds are exhausted.
- Power of subsidized photovoltaic installations - the power range, as before, is 2-10kW
- Only a completed project can receive a grant photovoltaics already connected to the DSO network (Distribution System Operator)
- My Electricity is a program that in 2021 enables co-financing of installations established last year, but after January 31, 2020
- Eligible costs will be calculated from February 1, 2020
- The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management My Electricity program will be supplemented with additional components, such as chargers for electric cars and plug-in hybrids as well as energy storage
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